The Artwork OF Travis Pope
Previous Large Scale Art Builds
Temple of Love
Temple of love designed and built by Travis Pope for LoveBurn in Miami FL ,2018
The Temple stood the height of 36 ft tall and was made without using screws and traditional fasting hardware.
The Temple consisted of over 100 sheets of plywood and was built in the honor of Tom and Kathy Pope
Tabernacle Temple
2019 Temple Project
designed and built by Travis Pope for Love Burn Miami
3D Build of tree Stage
Plywood built tree stage/dj booth with led lights
Orgonite Mandala Baja Mexico
8ft Round Orgonite Mandala inlayed into floor at Bio Sana Retreat center.made with epoxy CNC cuts and custom inlays crystals and led lights from underneath
LED Controller
I have had some problems with some of the led controllers on the art pieces after they are left on for a long period of time.. Here I have put...